Too pooped for turkey

Sure, we’ve been busy taking care of our puppy around here, but we’ve been busy with other things, too. Like jetsetting.

You may wonder, in fact, how I got SO pooped over Thanksgiving weekend at the Turkeyman’s house that I ended up like this all afternoon:Evangeline-131130-61

And I will tell you how it happened. See, we went out to Galveston Island State Park for some hikings one sunny afternoon — my brother, mama and dad, the puppy, the Turkeyman, and Grandma and me. IMG_1055

This was already QUITE exciting because the park has the most excellent muds and sniffs, but it was an extra-special day, because mama let my Chick and me run off-leash!

So we ran and ran and ran. Chick ran right, I ran right. Chick ran left, I ran left. In fact, everywhere Chick ran, I was right on his tail. I guess I think of him as a good natural leader. And he sure did lead me! He led me to many crab snacks in the tall, tall grass.IMG_1062-2

Every once in a while, mama would call us back, and we would run over to her for a little treat and a quick pat, and then she’d send us off again. And after a while, I got adventuresome enough to do my own runnings, without even following my brother! Here’s a picture of me doing an adventuring without Chick:IMG_1063-2

We ran for what seemed like hours upon days upon hours. So by the time we were done with our hike and just doing some observations from the tall observation deck, we were both falling asleep sitting up. Especially Chick.IMG_1073

So then we got home, and dad gave us a big hosing-down. Hosing-downs are not our favorite, but since our undercarriages were quite mudded from our adventure, we didn’t hold a grudge.

But what is a gentledog to do if his entire undercarriage is wet? This:IMG_1050So I wiggled and waggled and rubbed my wetness all over mama’s jeans.

And then, mid-wiggle, I fell asleep. And I had sweet, sunny dreams.

Evangeline-131130-60*Thanks to our grandma for most of these handsome photos of me and my brother*

30 responses

  1. Stories that involve the Turkeyman are the best! Glad you had a great Thanksgiving with your family. Also, a very happy First Thanksgiving and First Holiday Season to “the puppy” 🙂 Enjoy her.

  2. What a picture perfect afternoon. My pups loooove when they get to go off-leash, since it’s reserved for special occasions. Glad you had such great adventures!

  3. As a new follower, I have been desperate to see pics of your two legged puppy…only now I realise you were talking about your baby!!

  4. Sounds you all had a most awesome Thanksgiving! I love hearing about Chick and Doodlebugs adventures from their perspective. It’s so entertaining and always puts a smile on face.

  5. Excellent adverturings! Always great to hear what you and Chick are up to! Crabs are excellent snacks but my person says they make for stinky farts when I eat them 😦
    Happy Turkey day from Petey

  6. There’s nothing like watching a happy dog run completely free. We took Wilbur to a huge island one time and he ran like a mustang. Then he found a big dead bird (gag!) and proceeded to play keep away.

  7. What a gorgeous spot! When I see photos like these I really miss the beach more than ever. But it’s lovely to get a glimpse of what I don’t have. Thank you for sharing your adventures!

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