Dora does the laundry

Before her rescue, Dora lived outside in a yard with several other dogs. She wasn’t pampered or spoiled, and she most certainly was not responsible for any house chores.

Being two years old and all, she must have figured that she has been slacking and she’d better make up for lost time. So on day two of her grand adventure in our foster home, she got right to work doing the laundry.

Mama, what are we going to do about all of these messy garments?

While bashful Sir Chick always hides during laundry time because of the loud noises the machine makes, Dora the Explorer boldly stood by for the whole endeavor, even venturing to sniff out the goods, determining which was the smelliest.

This shirtsleeve is the smelliest. It hints of lawyering, and perhaps a touch of miso soup.

Inspecting the laundry-in-waiting wasn’t enough for this brave girl, though. She insisted on checking out the washing machine contents before we took the dirty clothes for a spin.

Mama, the load in here is all gym clothes. I guess my dress shirt skirt can wait until the next go round.

Wait! I thought I saw a piece of kibble in that pants pocket . . .

It turned out that Dora was a very good laundry assistant. After helping fish the treats out of various pants pockets and identifying which shirt had the most interesting scent on its sleeve, she bravely played patty cakes with the washing machine during the spin cycle, play-bowed to the dryer as it fluffed, and did her very best to hold still while I did my very best to use her back as a folding table. She’s got a ways to go, but at least the girl tries!

Holding still isn't so easy, lady. Don't you know this bod was made to boogie?

For more info on adopting Dora the Explorer, click here or contact us at info [at] loveandaleash [dot] com.

37 responses

  1. What a great helper Dora is already! My cats have always helped with the laundry, but my dogs have never been interested. ♥

  2. Ginger has absolutely no fear of the washer/dryer or even the vacuum for that matter. I wonder if it has something to do with being an outdoor dog for most of their lives? It’s so funny to see Ginger boldly explore something Turk and Rufus cower at.

  3. Welcome Dora! You are such a wonderful helper 🙂 I’m sure mama very much appreciated the assistance haha

    And is that an LG washer I see? We just got the set last year when we moved to our new place… Best washer and dryer ever! And with the pups… I use the steam clean cycle so much and it’s great! 🙂

  4. Izzy never helped with the laundry before, but she does like to watch it spin around in the front loader! The foster pups always seem to be amazed by this…I need to start training Mia to help with chores with she’s bunking up as a foster.

  5. This is what people miss out on when they don’t foster – help with chores! 🙂 Melanie likes to help me with laundry too, but mostly with the ironing. She likes to lay down on the clothes for me when they’re all clean out of the dryer…

  6. Elka will collect socks for me, but the washer and dryer might as well be monsters that we keep in what used to be her bathroom!

    Dora, though, she’s an intrepid one! How lovely and fantastic!

  7. The pic where she is IN the washing machine made me laugh out loud. I was wondering – do you name your fosters or do they come with their names already? They all have such cute little names that seem to fit them perfectly.

    • They haven’t really met yet, because Chick is quite terrified of her at this point. She loves dogs, but her exuberance is too much for him. Whenever she sees him she explodes into a frenzy of happy/excited lunging and barking, and he just trembles and looks rather overwhelmed.

    • Ginger Bortz – As Chloe Lane’s Mom Mom I am so proud of her. She is a beautiful llitte girl both inside and out. We love you Chloe!!! Happy 3rd birthday. Hugs and Kisses.

  8. Dora’s fantastic, what potential!! A brave, smart dog can do so very much. We need to see video of this boogie, though, she is so beautiful and has such a serenity and serious look in photos it’s hard to imagine the goofy side (without knowing the wigglebutt potential in all pit bulls).

  9. Pingback: Dora does the laundry » Love-A-Bull, Inc. | Austin, TX

  10. That last picture is just the sweetest. I could use some help with laundry in my house, but sadly, my dog isn’t allowed in our laundry room as that is where the cat’s litter box is located. She has yet to discover the glory of cat poop and I’d like to keep it that way!

  11. WOW! Dora is BRAVE sticking her head in that machine. I would sure never do that! But I’m pretty good at helping mom press the clothes by laying on top of them.

    It’s prolly a good thing you all are all the way in Texas cuz mom says she just fell HARD for Dora. But then, she says that abouts all your foster doggies.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  12. If I didn’t already have Betsy I’d be driving to your place right now for Dora! I can’t stand that cute little face and adorable underbite! I’ve seriously been looking at these photos all day…TOO cute!

  13. Dear Dora,
    I love how one of your ears seems to flop over just a tiny bit more than the other. It is very endearing.
    You are a very helpful girl and seem to be settling in just wonderfully.

  14. If Dora is willing to help with the laundry, that’s a good time for Chick to get a little break. She’s a very brave little girl.

    Have you discovered any household objects or noises that spook her?

  15. Dora is a gorgeous dog and what fun she has in the laundry, my little boy used to disappear with my bras but then he graduated to just lying in the doorway between the washing machine and the clothes line. Wonderful to see you fostering again, I love all of your stories even the ones that make me cry and your photographs are beautiful so I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award 🙂

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