Hide and seek

I have this big scar on my face. Nobody but me knows where it came from, and I’m never gonna tell. I think it’s rather distinguished and lends me some complexity (I am a simple dog), but sometimes I get self conscious about it.

So I hide it.

Sometimes I hide it in my dog toys while playing:

And sometimes I hide it in my dog toys while resting:

Or other times if I’m resting, I go ahead and just hide it in my blanket:

If I have no toy or blanket handy, sometimes the grass is a decent substitute:

Or an even better substitute, a pretty lady’s lap:

17 responses

  1. We dig scars…. especially now that Luna’s show career is basically over. Though they are not supposed to count any field born scars against a show dog, you know some judges probably do, so I always worried. Luna has some white scars on her legs from injuries. If it was a good enough cut, the hair grows back in white, how cool is that? Just goes to show how tuff she is when out in the woods/brush running and hunting, she lets very little get in her way. Normally I don’t find these cuts till we have been home for a while and she is getting some cuddles.

    Don’t hide your scar Dude, show it off!

  2. Ok, this is seriously adorable. Do you take the pcitures to fit the idea for a post or do you look at the pictures you have and come up with the captions?

  3. Scars…they might remind us of our past, but they don’t have to shape our future. You go little Dude. Hide that scar if you want or use it for a good excuse to snuggle into a pretty lady’s lap. You’re so cool.

  4. I’m telling you Duder….don’t hide that scar. I’m not sure if you have heard of “sympathy” or not but it’s this stuff that ladies have and it makes them feel like they need to hug and kiss you when they see your scars. Also if you can talk your mom and dad into signing the release form I’d recommend a bunch of tattoos…that does the exact same thing to the ladies. Hugs and kisses all over the place!!! It’s awesome.

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