New Mini-Series: Preparing for a two-legged puppy


We sniffed it out a few months ago — we’re getting a puppy! A two-legged one!Chickerdoodle-130219-14Mama always goes on and on about how smart dog noses are — that they are many times sniffier than people noses. We never really knew what she was talking about until we caught a whiff of this two-legged puppy in the air (to be clear: the puppy was not in the air, it’s just the whiff that was in the air).

We can’t explain it, but all of a sudden, mama smelled different. Even before she started to look different. Human people had no idea that anything funny was going on with our mama, but we knew. That’s how smart we and our noses are.

Mostly, we haven’t been too bothered by the new smells and shapes, but the brown one of us has been a little more concerned about strangers, especially ones that are overly zippy and close-to-us in their movements. Mama says this is normal, and we’ve been working on it.

We’ve also been working on some other things — to get ready for the two-legged puppy, they say. Dad and mama have been putting on their thinking hats and thinking about different us-related things: our eating routines, our walking routines, what rooms we hang out in, what things make us most worried, the different games we play.

And the thinking hasn’t just been for nothing, you see. When you’re getting ready for a new two-legged puppy, it’s best to plan ahead and make any big (and small!) changes in routine well in advance.  As it turns out, we hear that two-legged puppies are way more work than four-legged puppies at first, so putting on thinking caps and thinking about dog routines after the puppy has showed up might be a hard. So our people are doing what they can in advance!

And as much as we love keeping secrets, we’ve decided to put on our generosities and share our ideas and activities. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be telling you all about our new activities: how we’re learning to walk with a two-legged-puppy-wheeled-transporter, how we’re learning to like spending more time by our lonesomes, how we’re getting our friends and family ready to help us have fun and exercise those first few weeks, and other important things. After all — maybe we’re not the only ones with a puppy on the way?

Chickerdoodle-130219-30Photos courtesy Matt Williams



59 responses

  1. I’ve been waiting for it to finally come out. I caught a whiff weeks ago either on your blog or one from someone else. So excited for you all and looking forward to hearing how Chickerdoodle react to the changes. Being such superstars, hopefully it will be a piece of cake.

  2. Congrats! So happy for all four.. I mean five of you!! Thank you for sharing your tales and experiences along the way – I cant tell you how wonderful it is to see that anything is possible and we are not alone in anything we do – as long as we share with others and are open to others experiences – we can learn so much!
    Thanks again – Erin & Evie

  3. I honestly thought if was a 2-legged puppy you were getting….until I saw your mama’s beautiful baby belly! Congrats to you and Doddlebug and mama & daddy, too. Such a lucky baby this will be. And tell mama she looks beautiful!!

  4. Congratulations! I am so happy to hear your family is growing. Best wishes to all. Though we are past adding any two-legged puppies, it is always great to learn new ways to work with our four legged pups.

  5. this excites me. congratulations! i just found out i am pregnant and have two pibbles at home. My husband and i often wonder how we’ll help our original babies adapt to the new baby. Looking forward to more posts about this in the coming months. Thank you!

  6. Congratulations!! I thought that I saw a baby bump a few weeks ago but wasn’t sure. Preparing beforehand is the best thing to do. Congratulations again on your 2 legged puppy. I am sure you will have many adventures to tell us about.

  7. How exciting! Congratulations to all! Will the two-legged puppy have it’s own day to post…making me late for work THREE days a week? I hope so! 🙂

  8. Hooray!! I’ve been waiting for you to talk about what to do when you’ve got a two-legged addition coming. I’ve been trying to read up on what to do with my 6 year old girls-best-friend but I find the idea of her getting less attention depressing. I look forward to all of your advice. 4.5 months to make a few changes here.

    Congratulations to your family!!

  9. This is so exciting. I am sure your advice on this topic will be helpful to so many. Chick and Bug will be wonderful big brothers.

  10. Oh, congratulations! Wonderful news – and reading your two-legged puppy preparedness will be delightful learning; not that I’ll ever have a two-legged puppy….but certainly know those who may :). Good boys.

  11. Congratulations! Your boys will be superb big brothers. There is nothing like watching your baby fall in love with your dogs-they will be his/her first best friends. You look great and I hope you’re feeling good!

  12. Really looking forward to this segment. Flashy tells me that he and his dad would like a two legged puppy of their own, and Harley, well she’s not quite sure yet. We can’t wait to see how you guys prepare for this new adventure!

  13. Congratulations!! That is great news!

    I look forward to reading more about your preparations as this topic is very relevant to my family as well.

  14. this will be a great series, I will have to pass this on to a friend or two as well. You two are going to be amazing parents, and I know your boys will be wonderful too. Love the two photos btw, you look good pregnant 😉

  15. Congratulations! i am sure you guys will do great with the new puppy 🙂 I am looking forward to the mini series, even though we are not getting a puppy anytime soon, it will be good future reference, especially with a pack of five 🙂

  16. Pingback: Ready for Baby mini-series: Routines & Spaces « Love and a Six-Foot Leash

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  19. Pingback: Ready for baby mini-series: Out and about! « Love and a Six-Foot Leash

  20. Congratulations! And thank you for doing this mini-series! My fiance and I have two pit bull type dogs of our own, and I have been thinking a lot about how we might introduce a baby into our pack. This is very helpful information, and I know I truly appreciate it! I’m sure others do as well. Thank you!

  21. Pingback: Ready for baby mini-series: When it’s go-time! « Love and a Six-Foot Leash

  22. Pingback: Ready for Baby Mini-Series: Resources « Love and a Six-Foot Leash

  23. Pingback: Dogs and baby – the secret to success « Love and a Six-Foot Leash

  24. Pingback: Beer and Dogs | Baby Steiger

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